The AfricaPLC Tutorial Product Catalog offers examples of customization for businesses and products.

Options are provided for multi-country, multi-vendor and multi-product.

Products may contain the following information sets:

General: name, description, price and taxes.
Attributes: color, pack size, volume and ingredients.
Product origin: country of manufacture or import.
Manufacturing capacity: production status and capacity.
Certifications: local or international standards.
Videos: product training and manufacturing.
Media: images and links to third party websites.
Inventory management: catalog code and stock availability.
Shipping: regions, zones and special good arrangements.
Logistics: collect from warehouse, fixed rates or real-time rates.
Order management: minimum quantities.
Purchase notes: information following an order or purchase.
Related products: referrals to other products.

Example 1: Featured Product

Example 2: Products by industry – Healthcare, PPE and Medical Supplies

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