Quite unexpectedly, President Cyril Ramaphosa announced that the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA) would commence from 1st July 2020.
While businesses have been given one year to ensure that processes comply with the POPI Act, compliance is expected from the start of next month.
Considering the short timeline we now face, Hypertext has this week brought in three experts who have dealt with POPI Act in varying degrees.
Our first guest is Attorney of the High Court, director and co-founder of Power Singh, Avani Singh. Before forming ALT Advisory, Singh practiced media law at Webber Wentzel and has clerked at both the Constitutional Court of South Africa as well as the International Criminal Court.
Our second guest is chief executive officer at digital marketing agency Rogerwilco, Charlie Stewart. This CEO hails from Scotland but we suspect our wonderful weather and forthcoming POPI legislation lured him to our shores. Stewart has a Masters in Theology from the University of St Andrews and writes monthly for MarkLives, Financial Mail and he has even co-authored a book about business-to-business marketing.
Our third guest is senior associate at Webber Wentzel, Wendy Tembedza. This associate has experience in telecommunications and broadcasting, copyright, ebusiness, procurement, outsourcing, data protection, privacy law and access to information which makes her a valuable asset to both Webber Wentzel and ourselves.
This is a rather long edition of the Africast so we recommend getting a mug of something warm and a blanket to listen to what our panel of experts had to say.
You can find additional links to our expert’s organisations below, as well as a link to the POPI Act document.
Please note that due to a technical issue Brendyn Lotz’s microphone, some strange audio artifacts were unable to be addressed in post-production. The valuable insight from our POPI panel remains unimpaired though.
June 26, 2020