5MillionSME grey final
5 Million SME Business Directory
- Accounting
- Activities of Membership Organizations
- Advertising and Market Research
- Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing
- Arts, Entertainment and Recreation
- Banking and Financial Services other than Insurance
- Chemicals
- Construction
- Consultancy Services other than Legal
- Consumer Goods other than Food and Beverages
- Education and Research
- Energy
- Food and Beverages
- Heavy Industries
- Information Technology
- Insurance Services
- Legal Services
- Manufacturing
- Mining
- Miscellaneous / Conglomerate
- Other or Not Classified
- Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology and Life Sciences
- Press
- Publishing Activities
- Real Estate
- Telecommunications and Specialized Technologies
- Tourism and Hospitality
- Transportation, Logistics and Storage
- Utilities
- Wholesale and Retail Trade